Dr. Md. Nasir Uddin is Best Urologist in Kushtia

He is also one of the best urologist in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

If you are looking for a reliable Urology Specialist in town, we are here to help. We are known for the best, affordable, and painless Urology Specialist treatments with quick appointments and timely solutions.

Why Choose Us

Dr. Md. Nasir Uddin is Best Urologist in Kushtia

Dr. Md. Nasir Uddin

He is also one of the best urologist in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Our Treatment

Dr. Md. Nasir Uddin is Best Urologist in Kushtia

He is also one of the best urologist in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Urinary Stone

Laparoscopic urology


Professional and Society Memberships

Life Member, Bangladesh Association of Urological Surgeons.

Fellow, Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Life Member, Society of Surgeons of Bangladeh.

Member, American Urological Association.


Make a Appointment

Labaid Cardiac Hospital, Dhanmondi

Popular diagnostic centre ltd. Kushtia

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Dr. Md. Nasir Uddin is Best Urologist in Kushtia

He is also one of the best urologist in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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Dr. Md. Nasir Uddin is Best Urologist in Kushtia

He is also one of the best urologist in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Our Article

Best Urologist in Kushtia.

He is also one of the best urologist in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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Labaid Cardiac Hospital, Dhanmondi
Popular diagnostic centre ltd. Kushtia
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